M ́Água
Performance Sonora + Documentário Vídeo
Co-Autoria | Tatiana Santos
Mantra is intrinsically related to sound and sound is reverberating in everything in this universe. A Mantra is a sound repeated over and over until it integrates into our consciousness - frees the mind from its constant doing, and elevates us to an altered state of awareness. In this state, we can connect with our soul at its most profound level, achieving a state of universal consciousness. Mantras have some features in common with spells, in that they are a translation of the human will or desire into a form of action. As symbols, sounds are seen to effect what they symbolize. Mantra has been called the sound-body of God: It is God in the form of sound. Mantra helps to quieten the mind. It works because it actively chases away our errant thoughts. Mantra helps to clear our mind and purify our inner being. This purification is essential to good meditation.
The basic mantra is OM or ‘Aum’, which in Hinduism is known as the ‘pranava mantra,’ the source of all mantras. If there is no religious preference then the sound vibration 'OM' is a universally recognized mantra. It is the representation of the Supreme Being. The past, present and the future are all included in this one sound. Meditation on this sacred syllable is said to satisfy every need and leads to liberation . The power of chanting the OM mantra is as follows: The chanting of OM drives away all worldly thoughts and removes distraction and infuses new vigor in the body; When we feel depressed, chanting OM fill us with new vigor and strength. The chanting of OM is a powerful tonic. When we chant OM, we feel we are the pure, all pervading light and consciousness; Those who chant OM will have a powerful, sweet voice. Whenever we take a stroll, we can chant OM. The rhythmic pronunciation of OM makes the mind serene and pointed, and infuses the spiritual qualifications which ensure self-realization; Those who do meditation of OM daily will get tremendous power. They will have luster in their eyes and faces (Gurjar, Ladhake, & Thakare: 2008).
Uma performance de corpo, som e mente, que pretende estimular e influenciar, o movimento e as formas da água, como resposta exploratória.
A partitura da performance, será uma seleção de mantras, escolhidos, proferidos e entoados por Tatiana Santos. O som da voz da performer será amplificado por um microfone ligado a um amplificador que alimenta uma coluna áudio, suporte de um recipiente de vidro redondo, onde se encontrará a água. A vibração sonora dos mantras, funcionará como um input e estímulo para a reação da água através dos movimentos resultantes.
O laboratório será realizado ao ar livre na natureza, em local a decidir e num estúdio de gravação. Sempre registrado, para a criação de um documentário sobre o laboratório. Documentário vídeo que será colocado no respectivo separador do site do projecto e com apresentação pública nas duas edições das Water Talks.